FEW Immortal Rye 70cl / 46.5% £61.75 External link FEW About this whisky Region: USAAn unusually delicate rye whiskey from FEW, infused with 8 Immortals Oolong tea, creating notes of peach, honey and dragon fruit alongside grass, white pepper and ginger throughout the palate. If you like this whisky, you will also like these 70cl / 50.5% FEW Bourbon Single Barrel £78.80 70cl / 46.5% FEW Rye £62.30 70cl / 46.5% FEW Bourbon £53.95 70cl / 46.5% FEW Cold Cut Bourbon with Cold Brew Coffee £55.95 70cl / 46.5% FEW Rye £59.95 70cl / 46.5% FEW Single Malt Triple Smoke £63.95 70cl / 50.5% FEW Single Barrel Bourbon £66.25 70cl / 46.5% FEW Bourbon £51.50